Amiga V.90 Pace

Pace 56 SoloPace 56 Solo Upgrade

PC users go here: Amiga users read on :-)


23-Jan-1999 First public release of the Amiga version of the upgrader (Firmware release V2.02, SoloUp V1.0) and the debut of this website.

Download 56soloup.lha (877350 bytes)


This is the official support page for the Amiga version of Pace's 56 Solo upgrade utility. SoloUp is the Amiga port of the original PC version, and is fully approved by Pace themselves. In fact, the Amiga upgrade package will soon be available directly from Pace's own website. But, in the meantime, I have made it available here for those of you eager to upgrade your Pace 56 Solo!

Please note: This software is only compatible with the Pace 56 Solo, and not the Pace 56 Voice range of modems. I have no immediate plans to port the Pace 56 Voice upgrader to the Amiga.

Minimum Requirements

Pace 56 Solo modem and Amiga computer equipped with a 68020 cpu, OS 2.04, 2Mb free ram. (recommended: OS 3.x, fast third-party serial port)


This software has been tested extensively on various systems, and has proven to be very reliable in most cases. However, if you should encounter a problem with the upgrade software, please submit a bug report. Be sure to read the README file supplied with the upgrader!


Amiga version by Oliver Roberts - Copyright © 1998-1999, All Rights Reserved.
Based on the original PC code courtesy of PMC Electronics Ltd.

Thanks to Andy Thomson, Don Cox, Tim Grainger, Will Stanton, Simone Tellini and Ben Vost for beta testing this software.

Amiga SoloUp

Firmware History

V2.02Improved stability and speakerphone performance.
V2.01Improved fax send capability.
V2.00V.90 capability.
V1.00First code release.

Valid HTML 4.0! Page design by Oliver Roberts - Copyright © 1999, All Rights Reserved.